LPCO2 Fire Extinguishing System
LPCO2 Fire Extinguishing System
ALMAR design the system around IMO and SOLAS global regulations with your demands. Each vessel has unique project for unique safety. Our teams consider all external and internal conditions for best result and provides higher engineering services. Qulity and confirmity are our priority for your demands.LPCO2 Fire Extinguishing System
The liquid CO2 is stored in a tank, in which it is kept cooled by refrigerating machinery at an operating pressure inside the tank of 21 Bar.
LPCO2 Fire Extinguishing System
The tank is made of steel. The tank installation is highly insulated with polyurethan foam and protected by aluminium sheeting preventing moisture from penetrating into the insulating material. Furthermore, in the design of pipe connections and supports care has been taken to avoid conductors of cold to the greatest possible extent. The tank supports have been designed to keep the tank firmly seated in the saddle when the ship labours in the sea and also to enable it to expand when the temperature in it varies.
The refrigerating system on the tank consists of two complete units separated from each other and each having sufficient capacity to keep the tank cooled.
For more information, please contact the ALMAR team.

ALMAR sunmuş olduğu sabit yangın söndürme ve algılama sistemleri ile birlikte 2000 yılından bu yana onlarca yıllık tecrübesi ve hizmet kalitesi ile lider firmalardan biri haline gelmiştir. Denizcilik sektöründe faaliyet gösteren firmamız uzun yıllardır yangın söndürme ve algılama sistemlerinde kaliteli ve güvenilir olduğunu hayata geçirdiği yüzlerce proje ile göstermiştir.
ALMAR 2004 yılından beri Jonhson Control / TYCO / SKUM markaslarının resmi marine distribütörüdür.
Almar is an efficient and solution focused business and manufacturing company that with modern methods, high standards and synergistic effect creates values. Since 2000 Almar has become one of the leading companies with decades of experience and service quality. As a fixed fire suppression and detection systems company in the marine industry, we have accomplished many projects with quick and quality lotions to problems presented.
ALMAR is the official marine distributor of Johnson Control / TYCO / SKUM brands since 2004.
Marine Fire Safety Systems, Almar, Almar Fire, Tyco Marine Türkiye